with the Scouts of the 207th...

First, AVSAB and Tech Test scores are not the be all and end all for many jobs. Test score are absolutely not a predictor of combat skills, I'll tell anyone...

The AK Guard probably has had "<i>"nominal performance and personel ratings for over two decades now"</i> due to the fact that the US Army -- and thus the ArNG -- has been wandering around in the marginally competent mode for two decades. IOW, we've lost our way -- so people got graded not on how well they can do their job but on how they look and their paperwork. Neither one of those things count for much in a war.

What state Mission does an Infantry Battalion have? What State Mission does an Eskimo Scout Det have? What State Mission did I have as a Tanker in the SC ArNG in 1948? Or A Cannoneer in the Ky Guard the year before that (I did get to go to the Derby for free on a state Mission... )? I've got a Guard Strategic Signal outfit near where I live -- they could pass out water after a Hurricane as well as the Rifle Company from the same Armory.

Secondly, most of the ~1,500 -2,000 folks in the AK ArNG (last time I checked) were from rural areas and most were natives in the two Scout Bns -- how much and how good schooling? I wouldn't expect 'em to have great scores -- nor would I care that they don't, there'll be enough smart city boys to man the high tech side (just like those who man the AK Air Guard and Army Guard avn units). Most of the Scouts have bred in and environmentally enhanced scouting skills that no amount of training can replicate; they're great scouts and I can't think of any group of people who could do a better job of long range surveillance. They're a national treasure whether you like 'em or not. Like I said, it's a natural fit.

As to that the population factor and the size of the Guard and you couldn't support more than one regular Infantry Bn, the two Scout Bns are small -- a BfSB is small. Sorry you're unhappy, I still think it's a good idea.