Quote Originally Posted by ODB View Post
Overall as a general purpose rifle still do not know why we are looking to replace the M4......makes no sense.

Without going into all the pros/cons in all environments. Have never had issues with it, all these so called studies, opinions, etc... in my mind are objectionable at best. Do not know many if anyone who puts as much ammo a year through their M4's. Then again maybe one only has to look as far as the maintainence on one throughout the year.

I will now wait for the shouting to begin and corrections to my observations by those much smarter than I to guide (pummel) me down the right path.
The problem of the M4 is one of percieved usage. The usage of S109/M855 ammo is that it's marginal coming out of a 20" barrel. It takes a great amount of shot placement to be truly effective. Not that big a problem if the majority of your troops shoot Expert at the range. However, the M4 has been sold to the Army as a replacement for all other small weapons. From A 14" barrel, there is a significant amount of balistic energy lost. So again if the user didn't qualify expert at the range, it is even weaker than a std M16. If this reality is accepted then the M4 is a good weapon. However, it is my understanding that it still overheats in a serious firefight even if proper maintenace is done. But as you say, how much ammunition is put through a M4 in a year by the average user? I assume not that much. So overheating shouldn't be that big a problem. And for all the controversy, it is still better than a pistol and even superior to a submachine gun.

I hope I'm not raining on your day. I think you brought up a good point.