re: this Schmedlapism:

1. Gitmo. He issued an executive order saying that Gitmo will be closed within a year. This shuts up the crazies, but it doesn't do anything. In a year, we will conclude that "it's not politically feasible - sorry, but we tried." By that time, people will have moved on to another pet peeve. Well, except for the ACLU.
fully endorsed yesterday by another astute observer of things political:

Will Gitmo Closure Ever Happen?
As Excuses and Political Opposition Abound, Obama Promise Means Less and Less
by Jason Ditz, May 22, 2009

During yesterday’s national security speech, President Barack Obama tried to reassure that despite several high profile reversals on the question of detainees and publicly supporting the Senate’s decision to pull funding, he somehow still intended to see the detention center at Guantanamo Bay closed.

But four months after making that promise in the first place, there seems to be little political momentum for the closure, and less and less indication that the Obama Administration is willing to do anything concrete to see the facility closed. A good portion of Congressional Democrats are against it, and nearly all Congressional Republicans are against it.
At the end of the day, keeping the facility open will likely be deemed politically safer, and with a myriad of excuses of why the detainees can’t be moved from extralegal custody on a military base in Cuba into extralegal custody on American soil, it seems unlikely that enough support will coalesce to see the facility shuttered.
I conclude that any of the following are "possible":

1. Mr Ditz is an avid reader of your posts at SWC.

2. Mr Ditz and you are engaged in a cabal.

3. Great minds run in the same channel.

