
It's not that Obama is breaking promises, it's that he never made the ones people on the far left attribute to him. In reality, on the topic of national security, Obama has never strayed from the center-left. Though, as you correctly note, many of his most ardent supporters on the left didn't want to believe that. Obama spent all of 2008 campaigning for a shift in military focus from Iraq to Afghanistan, but many progressives simply weren't hearing him. Thus, when he started announcing actual shifts in military focus from Iraq to Afghanistan--exactly what he said he'd do--many on the left were not only blown away with surprise, but they suddenly mobilized against the President's new policies. (OMG, he's just like Bush!!!)

However, he is actively moving to close Guantanamo and he is drawing the occupation in Iraq to a close. He might miss the deadlines on which he campaigned, but I don't think that constitutes a broken promise. Had McCain won, it's not likely we'd be seeing similar moves.

BTW, with regard to your analysis of how Obama has "handled" his supporters, you'll like this if you haven't seen it.