Quote Originally Posted by Surferbeetle View Post
A couple of decades ago I took a class in comparative politics which focused upon India, China, and Europe...which made for a pretty interesting mix and comparison. I am rereading one of my text books from that class: India, Government and Politics in a Developing Nation by Robert L. Hardgrave Jr. and Stanley A. Kochanek and this took me back to thinking about centralized planning.

I have bumped into the Five Year Plan concept in a number of interesting places academically and out in the real world. Engineering Planning Cycles, GSA Contracts, Iraq, USSR , and of course China and India.

A quick wikipedia run gave the following for '1966 in Afghanistan'.

Beetle, read about John Kenneth Galbraith's work with India he was president Kennedy's Ambassador there during his administration and he had much to do with planning there Economy. Also try studing physical Economics NOT monetary economics....nothing but perverted banking polices.