Quote Originally Posted by Viscount de Turenne View Post
Today, the average officer and leader in the military has come to devalue the study of pre-twentieth century warfare. From Alexander the Great to Napoleon and even MacArthur, these generals have all used the same basic principles of how wars and battles should be conducted. But the present-day defenders of modernity and relevance, the most radical of whom claim that nothing that occurred prior to 1945 has any value for the modern officer, continue to say that technology has advanced so far in the last 100 years that all of those military "rules", if you will, are not applicable anymore.
I have to agree with Ron. Can you provide some evidence of this? I found the fighting more often akin to a school yard brawl than to some technologically advanced conflict. Fighting is fighting. It hasn't changed. Dudes mixing it up is dudes mixing it up.