Quote Originally Posted by Bill Moore View Post
I think you would agree there is a difference dynamic taking place when the host nation forces are interfacing with a mature Soldier who has been vetted for this type of work (and likes it),
I wholeheartedly agree with that. I've also noticed a number of times that one can occasionally end up with someone who isn't all that mature and / or who doesn't like that kind of interface that much...
...However, all the training in the world can't make the trainer care about the host nation personnel. In my opinion, that is one of the biggest differences I see between SF and conventional forces. SF guys generaly care about their counterparts and that shows in so many ways, and that respect is returned in kind.
I also agree with that -- generally. I'll also note that I've seen a number of 'conventional' guys who cared every bit as much and some SF guys who couldn't stand their counterparts...
... Also, SF did produce the most relevant FID/COIN doctrine based on years of lessons learned while the services tended to ignore FID in the 80s and beyond, so there is a little rub when conventional folks "invented" something new without consulting those who already had a great depth of knowledge. Once again the arrogance of the big Army stroke again.
Agree; agree; disagree, disagree.

The Army mostly screwed up big time on COIN and FID from '75 to '01, no question and they did so in spite of a number of of folks on SBH and throughout the Army who told them doing so was dumb. However, while SF did keep a light in the window -- they also got fragmented into non SF pursuits as well, all in quest of flags and spaces...

IOW, what you said is correct but that's only part of the story.

Who is it that you think is claiming they have "invented" something new without consulting those who had a great deal of knowledge?

If you mean the 'arrogance' of ignoring UW / FID by the big Army folks; was it arrogance or a dumb attempt to influence national policy (to wit: to avoid the messy dirty, politically disadvantageous stuff that is COIN and FID. Those disadvantages apply regardless of who is the pratctitioner) that was bound to fail? If something else, what arrogance?