Howdy all,

New to this board, but the subject of company level intel is one of my focus areas.

I think everyone is pretty much saying the same thing- like was earlier stated. I agree with Tom's last post though in that the purpose of a COIST (Company Intel Support Team) is NOT to replicate the BN/BDE S-2 reports or methods of operation. Neither should the COIST be involved with MSO (military source ops). The basic principle is just to be able to provide an accurate tactical view of the battlespace.

Without a COIST, the lowest level you have analysts is the BN where (as I am sure we all know) folks tend to be removed from the real tactical details of the COIN fight.

The COIST should not waste time trying to produce 'intelligence products', but should focus on organizing and passing data to the BN S-2 shop. This data is just info on personalities, patrol debriefs, tactics, and the operating environment in general. Through passing this data, the BN S-2 will have a better picture and should be able to coordinate HUMINT, work targeting ops, and provide a more accurate picture to the BDE S-2 shop.

In addition to all the printed resources on the subject of COIST already mentioned here, I would reccomend contacting the Asymetric Warfare Group prior to your deployment. Lets just say they will be able to square you away based upon timely and relevant experience in theater.