Quote Originally Posted by jmm99 View Post
Foley makes some good points - I suppose the "humane" alternative is to build a Gitmo clone somewhere else. La, la, Blazing Saddles, etc.

Sorry, Slap, this particular case is definitely not this:

Nope. Go through the sources for this case, which I posted above in post #3.

The decision to release this particular detainee was a decision made in Gordon England's office in 2007 - a political decision or a screw-up or both. Federal and military judges had nothing to do with it.

An example of Lawfare, whether advanced by the enemy or by useful idiots, would be to get rid of the AUFM options, as shown in the last two chart rows in this post.

Boot, the media, whether Fox or MSNBC, don't know Sierra about these cases; their punditry usually is Bravo Sierra; and the politicians on both sides are worse.
I agree with your case analysis, but I belive it is an example of lawfare from the standpoint of all this should have been resolved before we invaded a country. If the legal issues were decided before.... the enemy would not have benefited by either default or design. But you are the lawyer...I just had to get them to jail