Quote Originally Posted by Bob's World View Post
Hi, my name is Bob, and I am a strategist.
Hi Bob! My name is Wilf and I'm not a strategist, and even if I was I could give up anytime. I just choose not to...
....helps them put their actions into perspective and execute them in a way so as to achieve the best possible effect. Have I achieved the strategic solution to populace-based conflict? No, but it is my quest. I am confident that I am heading in the right direction, and I believe that I am very close, but it is a continuous process with daily refinements as new or old information tests and either validates or invalidates the strategic concepts.

Is this somehow the sacred territory of just elected officials?
Strategy to me is the practical conduct/expression of your foreign policy. The military makes a contribution to it, but it is essentially political, and also the product of political belief. The specifics of your strategy created from your personal political and moral beliefs. It's not a rational business.

- so telling Soldiers to "think strategically" is essentially flawed. Teaching them how military power can be applied to achieve any given strategy does make sense

Thus Military thought and science generally limits itself to the how military force serves policy, not makes it.