...you shouldn't have joined! Think of it this way..

Within 12 months there will be a General Election, and assuredly a change of government - even if not a change of party.

Within 18 months there will be a Defence Review...not least as part of a post-election Comprehensive Spending Review.

And if past form is anything to go by, we'll hold onto the ludicrously outdated legacy capital projects, that guarantee the industrial base of perhaps 700 employees in margninal constituencies, and elicit saving by cutting...more infantry battalions!

So if you think its depressing now, just WAIT to see what's coming. God bless the baby boomers (honourable exceptions of those in or have worn uniform!). Bottom line - when we were flush, we were neglected. Now the West is Broke, wait and see. It'll be like the Crimea again.