Quote Originally Posted by Coldstreamer View Post
...there has to be some way to explain in understandable terms the nature of the beast and what we're trying to do. Isn't any 'process' (the estimate, for example) a forcing mechanism to a degree? Or does it only become a forcing mechanism when it becomes a prism that only sees things within its own limited terms?
Extremely good point.

The Estimate is indeed a process - and a deeply flawed one, if you mean the 7Qs - but that's another story. The point is that a process like that is actually a structured enquiry, on which to derive information to solve a problem, so truth is pretty much sacred.

Things like Manoeuvre Warfare, Complex War fighting, 4GW and Hybrid Threats, almost always take highly contestable set of facts or even some outright invention, and say "this is the problem" so what you need is my solution and it looks like this. Names get attached and reputations follow.

Because the facts have near enough been invented in the context of the desired problem, there is always tears before bed time, when it is realised that the invented facts are actually the problem, and not the problem folks wanted to solve. See me, for a slightly better explanation or context.