its not the issue of number Russian Sukhois or Migs contra to Finnish Hornets and the number of the planes will do with the capability of the pilots the planes will last 2 weeks will the pilots last that far..

Will Finland again be the only country in n<orthern Europe to fight against russians, I doubt. What would be interest of Russia just to attack Finland, it will not give them any geopolitical ormilitary advantage.

Shall it 1 day happen anyhow we are happy to face them, again. Like highly respected ex WWII General Ehnrooth said..'Finnish defence is based on a methodof 1 man with a rifle under each tree..and we have loads of trees'

Gallup Intrenational study do show which country is most anti-Soviet...sorry no point of any US 'socialist' coming here with no better knowledge to comment we are leftisist..anti-Russïan is here deeper than in UK, Germany and in Uncle Sam...Kill!