Quote Originally Posted by Coldstreamer View Post
Given the likely nature of our tasks - company 'ink spot' efforts within an BG AO, and limited scope for meaty BG level manoeuvre, we've elected to convert our Recce Platoon into ISTAR Sections for the Company Groups. Each recce sect will have tac-intel, tac-questioning and other skill sets trained into it, above and beyond their surveillance and recon training.
That is extremely interesting. I have to say, it is probably a good solution to the problem that was created by the British Army's way of doing things, but that's life.
Brits being Brits, it will no doubt be a roaring success, and after several hard blinks, it may have considerable merit.

In some ways it is back to the future. Back in 1918/19, the Bn Snipers and Observers worked directly for the IO, so as the tasking and reporting all worked smoothly.... but all that went away once Snipers became "special.."