Hey John,
I don't disagree. I think what has got my attention is the relationship between the how the end change and what follows. It would appear that sometimes pragmatic change is really just acceptance of popular perspective (yes Marc - I'm hearing your observations about the illusions of society and civility). The idea of the impact of political change amidst a perceived long war (e.g. for us what is long?) and how it affects us and our will (particularly our appetite) is very interesting. Consider the tale of Alcibiades, here was a really good politician ( I also like the fiction work by Steven Pressfield ). I mean when you go from Pericles all the way up through the end you see allot of sway in how the public reacts. I was noticing our own media of late - it appears its not just casualty rates or operational measures of success that influence what is reported. To guys like you and Ken (and again - no age jokes intended), that may seem old hat as having seen it many times - but for me its very interesting to see group domestic agendas and FP objectives twined, un-twined and re-twined. Its caused me to reconsider how the flavor of the sausage is arrived upon.

BTW - I blame you a bit for turning me on to Morgenthau

Best, Rob