I am curious about what the folks here think of that - not so much as a legal point (although it can be argued that way); but as a metter of military ethics and military practicality. How do you distinguish these infrastructure folks from the rest of the population - assuming that you can legally target them ?
That is the question I keep asking myself about these situations. To me, Lawfare is foolish and suicidal in the current small wars that western powers are engaged in. What do you do with the member of a group like HIG who goes out and attacks a convoy with an SVD in the morning, and is sheltered by his family in the evening? What do you do when the village leaders, or tribal leadership are sheltering the man? How do you deal with the four guys in the UK or US who send him $1,000 USD a year to buy ammunition, take care of his family, etc. Al lwhile he is trying to kill ISAF troops, HTT persons and contractors? Do we have to rethink the ethics of warfighting because of these types of enemies and their supporters?

These are soem questions with no easy answer and they bothered me last night. I really need to have a long, hard think on it again.