Old Eagle,

I don't think I know more than my superiors (well, not all of them, and not on everything ). But I do know when my time and the time of my soldiers is being wasted for somebody else. Nobody needs a degree or commission for that. It's like in Godfather I when Sunny calls Michael a fool for risking his life for strangers. I think its foolish to waste my time and resources for a requirement that 1) has no value to my section and 2) could be accomplished without wasting my time. Even so, I'm less concerned about my time than that of my soldiers (who when not training or deployed, should be with their families, or doing what they wish). When the commander took my best soldier for his PSD, I grumbled to my NCOIC, but I knew the commander's intent and that it would be for the overall good of the squadron's mission. But this... I don't see it.

I accept your charge. Selil remarked that "nobody wants to do anything about it." I don't agree. There are plenty of people that want to do something but will be run out of the Army for rocking the boat. I'm coming to the point, though, where I don't care -- if something is wrong, I'm going to fix it, and I'll let someone know, whatever their grade. And if they want to run me out of the Army, it's no loss to me. I'll go find contract work.