Quote Originally Posted by Steve Blair View Post
I think one approach to getting the smaller wars might be to break them down based on geography. Small Wars - Africa, Pacific Basin, and so on.

As for history, I'd rather see it broken down by historical period. Right now the background stuff is jumbled in with everything else, and can make it hard for people to find stuff that might relate to their specific interests or areas.

Like you said, this is done very well from a military perspective, but from a more academic perspective it can be hard to find the more background-y stuff. A wiki-type setup would cover a glossary, and while search is good I still have a bit of a bias toward a more "hard-wired" layout (must be the archivist/library worker in me).
Maybe we could combine some of these elements. Steve, you're right that a wiki type setup would work for a glossary, but it might also work for a theatre approach as well. I suspect that we could use a wiki page for a theatre introduction, with additional pages for history, geography, etc. I don't know if it would be possible to tie actual discussion threads to specific theatre pages, but that would certainly be nice if possible.
