Quote Originally Posted by selil View Post
I've got to believe things can change. I've got to believe people I know and respect can serve with dignity and without being treated poorly. the RIF will happen. When I don't know.
The delay in achieving that hope you cite in the foregoing is caused by this:
The problems are huge but politicians don't believe we can discuss them with considered thought. Nobody wants to discuss in depth. They all want to spend time in sound bites. Really dig into problems? At all levels that is not happening.
Like you with KBR (which I saw only as business as usual -- they got their start supporting LBJ back in the 50s; made big, big bucks in Viet Nam) I thought the economic debacle would tumble some out of Congress and send a message. Didn't happen. I cannot believe a bunch of those guys got reelected.
Grumble. Ranting I guess.
Me, too. Good news is there are a lot of small changes afoot and this current generation may grow up and fix some more ills -- but I'm afraid we're not going to see any major change until we have a real disastrous situation on our hands or we stop electing people to Congress who are more concerned with their party than the nation. Which probably means disastrous...