For example, my perception of Surferbeetle's post was that the operation was not very moral (i.e. disregarding the guidelines and accepting former Nazis to work on the rocket and later space program *) but that it was of benefit.

The problem is when national leaders follow what is in their personal interest (moral/immoral) vs. what is in the interest(moral/immoral) of the country.
is very much a personal interpretation; I have no quarrel with that 'interest' portion and I agree -- I'm simply saying the 'moral' portion is an individual perception. That your take and mine differ on the role of morality in three or four wars is proof of that; that Wilf and Surferbeetle chime in on the topic is even more proof.

* Note that does not address the fate of other former Nazis we did not bend the guidelines for, who provided the US with no benefit as did those scientists and whom we threw to the wolves when they were discovered. If you think all that was / is moral or right; we'll just have to disagree...