Yesterday, two Iranian film makers presented a document to Green Party MEPs in Brussels which allegedly contained the true results of last week's election. In the document, a letter from the office of Iran's Interior Ministry to Supreme Leader Ayatolla Ali Khamenei, Mousavi is revealed to have won 19,075,623 votes, Mehdi Karroubi 13,387,104 votes, and Ahmadinejad a paltry 5,698,417.
A photograph and translation of the letter has appeared online. Make of it what you will.
The London TIMES tonight also reports that demonstrations have spread througout all of Iran, no longer limited to just Tehran. However, due to the Iranian Government news blackouts, etc. no way to verify as yet.

Also, CNN TV news tonight 6/17/09 reports that Iranian Police have started protecting the marchers/demonstrators, and are reported to be in sharp clashes/fights to stop the Republican Guard attacks on the peaceful demonstrators.

If any truth, and one can assume some truth here, things for the existing Iranian hierarcy, including the leading Ayatollah, are falling apart more swifty than even I would have expected.

COMMENT: Someone on this SWJ thread tonight has asked what the root cause or causes are of this vote surprise and demonstrations. My best guess, and it is only an arm chair guess from across the pond here in US, is that false and failed promises to women voters, who are the majority of the total vote in any Iranian election, have cost AJ his job if the vote is honestly counted. And, I would hope, but have no hard facts to back this wishful thought up, but I hope, and think, that a move away from theocracy to secular governance could be underway???