or similar environment. I've also known SF officers who did not do well in a COIN or similar environment. Good and bad people abound in all walks of life. Amazingly, some who don't 100% agree with me on many things or accept the gospel according to Saint Ken seem to be able to do good work and achieve great results.

I still cannot believe that it doesn't have to be done my way to work...

That said, Durrani's article makes sense to me and reflects his realistic understanding of a governmental milieu that is not too swift -- and of the willingness of Armies (ANY bureaucratic organization) to sluff hard jobs and make excuses...

Lot of that going around.

He's the LINK to the CSM Article "Why the Taliban Won’t Take Over Pakistan." Agree with you that it is a good and accurate article. I also think it effectively supports the Durrani Op-ed...