Way to come through. Good catch.

CF's comments parallel what he stated in his portion of the book Operation Hotel California. For those not familiar with the book, it is really two books in one. The one by Mike Tucker, which is editorializing, etc. The other by Sam Faddis which is basically straight-forward. The portions are in different typefaces. So, you read the book and then re-read Faddis' portion at least once more.

A point not covered in the interview - not a criticism, Mark, since your focus and locus were on-topic (Saddam-AQ ties or not) - was Saddam's possession of WMD. From the book, Faddis' informants (who addressed that topic) were pretty much uniform in their beliefs that Saddam had or was working on WMD; but none had any direct evidence of that. Since you can't prove a negative (Faddis makes that point - still a lawyer, and a prosecutor in a prior life), the intelligence on that topic was ambiguous - as you note in your Analysis.

Good job.