From the Wall Street Journal...
Defense Secretary Robert Gates created a new military command dedicated to cyber security on Tuesday, reflecting the Obama administration's plans to centralize and elevate computer security as a major national-security issue...

Defense Secretary Robert Gates's budget envisions training more than 200 cyber-security officers annually...

The decision follows President Barack Obama's announcement last month that he will establish a new cyber-security office at the White House...

The Pentagon initiative will reshape the military's efforts to protect networks from attacks by hackers, especially those from China and Russia. It also consolidates the largest concentration of cyber warriors and investigators in the government under one military command, exacerbating concerns of some experts who worry about military control of civilian computer systems...

The command is meant to begin working by October and to be fully operating by October 2010...

The Pentagon, which is already receiving the vast majority of new government spending on cybersecurity, has thousands of cyber warriors, many of whom are expected to be housed under the new command, which is likely to be next door to the NSA's Ft. Mead, Md., campus...
Is this what we need? Or are we just redrawing the organizational chart / rearranging chairs? On matters that I don't know much about... In Gates I Trust.

Thoughts on whether this new command will likely impact our preparedness and, if so, for the better?