from Wilf
Having said that, how come 5 years of the current ROE, has meant that US Forces have killed more civilians in 2 x COIN campaigns than Israel did 2 x State v State Wars, in the same time period, and nobody blinked?
is a profoundly intelligent question which should be answered - if the factual premise of the question is correct (I don't know one way or the other).

So, if you will consent to be the expert witness under barrister examination (), what are the statistics for the factual premise and the sources for those statistics ?

As we all know, the statistics for civilian casualities have been a matter of dispute as to the numbers and who caused the deaths; and have been spun, spindled and mutilated with reckless abandon.

The comparisons (hopefully leading to the answer to your question) could relate to the relative kinetics vice the opponents in each conflict, and to the relative kinetics vice the conflicts. But, first we have to have facts we can agree on.