Sort of. It was semi serious...

Quote Originally Posted by Hacksaw View Post
I was with you all the way up to the last comment (which of course you concluded with ) so I'll take it with a grain of salt.
All the places where you found fault were examples of just that... either over stating the case or unwarranted chest thumping...
True and me too; it's taken me 20 years to get to the point where I'll underline or otherwise highlight a word. With that document there were several more excellent targets but I figured only a couple would do...
then...You threw in the Gestapo comment...
Not sure having a dedicated person to implement and enforce a command program like OPSEC equates to the Gestapo
OpSec is EVERYONE'S business (he hyperbolized and highlighted) and IMO should be, it strikes me that an OpSec person has the same flaw as the Master Gunner program -- create an expert and suddenly many say "I don't have to know or do this, he/she'll take care of it."

That would lead, I believe, to a rapidly worsening OpSec picture in most units which would cause the Master OpSecker to crack down, probably with only marginal success -- and probably too late. The Gestapo bit was mostly tongue in cheek but they after all had one mission of insuring secrets stayed secret...

Basically, I think it's a really bad and quite unnecessary idea on several levels...
Melting in a Kansas heat wave
No sympathy. Heat Index here 109, humididitity is 88 (feels like 99.9). Though it is supposed to cool off for the next few days...