Quote Originally Posted by Ken White View Post
Okay, 18% hadn't deployed; I suspect that's fairly close to an Army norm; some unit types are always in greater demand than others and that creates an imbalance in a big, busy Army. You'd be amazed at how many Tankers never got to Viet Nam, much less some CS/CSS jobs and ranks...
Unless you're a brain surgeon or burn specialist, or something like that, which simply isn't done in Iraq, there is no excuse for a MAJ (or CPT P) to be without a deployment. Not at 8 years into the war. There is just no excuse.

18% is probably a little low for the Army, but most of that is IET and initial term soldiers in units getting ready for their first deployment, plus the initial term soldiers in Korea.

Find a CS branch that isn't in Iraq- they all are, and if you are a MAJ and haven't deployed, you are hiding. If you don't want to be a combat leader, find another organization.