Quote Originally Posted by Uboat509 View Post
What makes you so sure that if there is not a strong central government that some other other power will not rise, or try to rise to fill that position? Just because a given tribal or ethnic group bristles at having a central government imposed on them does not mean that they do not desire to do the same thing to their neighbors.

Well said and often ignored by those who conveniently default to this idea that if we just let the Afghans tell us who/what type of gov't etc etc...

I wish I had an answer as to which is best... I do know that despite whether we think the Westphalian World is disentegrating or not, we still live in a state-world, and the confluence of civilizations rubbing up against each other in that region demands our attention and a partner of some sort... a state seems to best fit that description (and a "good" responsible state is better than a corrupt negilent state).

George's warning is also worth noting...

Live well and row