POTUS has basically done what he had to do (sort of), but it gets tricky from here. First off, it's a whole lot easier to get in than it is to get back out - A lesson we've had a hard time over the last few years.

The real problem is that POTUS is now more subject to the whims of folks like Hugo Chavez in regards to where do we go from here; re: Honduras. What happens if Hugo Chavez gets the OAS to endorse military action against Honduras, and Hugo offers to lead the way?


The US is Honduras biggest trade partner. What happens if the OAS puts drastic trade sanctions on Honduras, or any other national entity trading with Honduras?

The real problem out of this is that I see POTUS has potentially put us into the mix where the least stable LATAM leadership could easily turn out to be the band leader, and then, it's "What's The Plan??"