Quote Originally Posted by tequila View Post
My own slip/bias may be showing here ...
No "may" about it.

"Faked resignation letter, declaration of martial law, shutdown of opposition media, forced expulsion of the elected President. Pretty sure the last measure is not in the Honduran Constitution any more than some of Zelaya's moves towards his nonbinding referendum on a possible Constitutional convention."

How do you know it's faked? It may very well be, but at this point the Supreme Court of Honduras, the Congress in Honduras and the military in Honduras all seem to be accepting it as genuine. What evidence, other than the purported author's denial, do you have to the contrary?

"Declaration of martial law?" According to AFP, "... Micheletti imposed a 48-hour curfew on the capital ..." Referring to a curfew as martial law? No.

"Shutdown of opposition media?" What opposition media are you referring to, because I can't find any stories from reasonably reputable sources. In the meantime, see this.

I will agree that the forced expulsion was probably wrong. Since the Supreme Court ordered Zelaya's arrest, he should probably have been placed under house arrest.

And on that topic, do you know for a fact that the Honduran Supreme Court overstepped its authority in ordering Zelaya's arrest? Could you present the relevant articles from their Constitution to support that?

So far, everything I've read and heard from reasonably reputable media indicates that Zelaya was replaced in an orderly legal manner. Maybe I'm wrong. Could you provide the appropriate citations to show the illegality of his ouster? And just to anticipate, "appropriate citations" from Honduran law and its Constitution is not the same thing as politicians making that assertion.