Quote Originally Posted by patmc View Post
Agree its better to have both staff and command, but still think that you can be a good leader and officer without it, especially in CS and CSS. If command is the only box for success, should everyone without command get out at MAJ, since they can't be future great leaders?
To put a fine point on it, how can be a future great leader if you have not been a leader at all in the first position where leaders exercise command authority? Yes, we’re all leaders and we all have responsibility, but leadership = accountability and the Commander is overall accountable for everything. Period. If you’ve never experienced that, then no, you’re not going to be a great leader.

Now, if it all shakes out and people without command go on to do great and wonderful things in positions where it isn’t a liability, then great. However, this is the Army and pounding square pegs into round holes (much to the anguish of the surrounding wood) is our specialty.

Quote Originally Posted by Ken White View Post
I would ask if there wasn't a branch Lieutenant in that company who could've taken command, even a 2LT but I suppose that is not done nowadays. I also wonder how many that turned it down were not planning on staying in the Army...
Just my observation, but I believe the key factor was the timing... when it became available was shortly after a Division had rotated back from OIF and many folks didn't want to take on a challenge or were waiting out for jobs promised to them. And of course, many who were waiting to get out as you mentioned.