I got picked up for O-5 today, and don't really know if I want it. It means I have to finish that abomination known as ILE, and two additional years of obligation that goes with it.

It also means I get moved even farther from my comfort/interest zone. Now, instead of being a marginally useful O-4 force-branched TC-officer (from Armor), I am a completely worthless O-5.

My experience so far has been in Armor/Cav (No field grade slots for Reservists in Europe) and MI (My civilian career never allowed me to become branch qualified) So, should I be mobilized, again, I will do absolutely nothing worthwhile for 18 months, just like last time.

I spent 10 years attempting to get a CA billet, but the CA "clique" wasn't interested. It has been my experience thus far, that the Army finds out what your interests/qualifications are, and then spares no expense and effort to see that you NEVER serve in those fields. Yep, I'm bitter.