Quote Originally Posted by Bob's World View Post
I was at Bragg going over draft strategy with the Doctrine guys at SWCS this week and several times sparked the comment "that's not doctrine." To which my reply was essentially, "noted."

We cannot write a strategy for the future constrained by a doctirne based on an understanding of the past. Once we craft a new strategy, it will inform a review of existing doctrine and lead to a writing and publishing of the next generation of doctrine.

Once one becomes locked in place by their doctrine, they are doomed to an ultimate irrelevance.
I've always been confused by the fact that from a low guy on the totem pole perspective I kinda understood Doctrine to be like directions on how to
get somewhere

Strategy seemed like a where you want to go thing.

In that context it becomes an exercise in organized confusion when your looking for directions yet your not sure exactly where your going

Looks like you all are doing a good job of clearing that up for us.