Quote Originally Posted by Cavguy View Post
I have a PDF of the article received via email, too big to post here (not even accounting for copyright), PM if you want it.

It is honest, balanced, and thoroughly disturbing. I found myself saying "I can't believe a unit would do this" multiple times. I'm surprised it was allowed to go that far. In a way, it is reflective of the massive problem of 2003-2006 COL Gentile wishes away - each BCT was a kingdom unto itself, and followed it's BCT commander's version of how COIN should go. GEN Petraeus/Odierno's biggest achievement in my view was simply getting all the BCT commanders on the same page.

As I said on the Stern article thread, incidents like this have made me cease denying allegations of murder/torture out of hand.
Agreed and the only thing I would add is that units with issues in training have issues downrange.
