Millions will miss MJ, mere dozens will miss some unknown soldier who died in a distant place.

The news are no place for "normal" deaths, or else CNN would need to hire speed rappers to at least mention the names of all people who died.
The world isn't fair, get over it.

The American military (well, people associated with it) often looks to me like an attention/appreciation whore that behaves as if it's much more important (and ethical) than anything civilian.

You guys should live a few years as a European soldier - neglected by politicians, neglected by public, low prestige and utterly irrelevant in general social life and economy.
That would put things back into a healthy perspective.

No offense intended, but it's really kind of obvious and extreme to me.
I didn't write this for this one case - I've seen many indicators for years and it had to be said sometime.