Quote Originally Posted by taillat View Post
PS: many apologizes for my syntax and grammar.
Your English is much better than my French. No problemo (I think that's either Spanish or Austrian).

In my regiment, there was no doubt the rebel would have been released and, even if we condemned the murder, we could understand why it happened.
I will pray for your fellow Marines that face trial. Your soldiers, nothwithstanding their defaults (and everyone has one), fight for each other, like any soldier in any war.
We certainly must not view war through the lens of armchair civilian peacetime law. Horrible things happen. But they happen more and more if we tolerate those that are on the fringe, understandable or not. Your example of vigiliante-ism is closer to the fringe, but most versions of the Haditha story are well down the slippery slope. (I do not pretend to know the truth of what happened). Not that either is OK, but I see a large difference between the two.