There is no empirical data to even suggest there is a lessening amongst our foes in their efforts to seek spiritual purity, the good death. We come at this problem with our linear, 3 dimensional thinking, grabbing at telelogical snippets taken from Jung, Skinner and Freud, attempting to construct theoretical models of how men can be dissuaded from the path of spiritual purity. I think the complexity of conversions of this nature are beyond our Western capabililty of fully understanding. If it is working in Saudi Arabia, we can't fully understand it and we can only best honor the purists by shooting them in the head. It can be argued that the upsurge of IEDs and other detonations in Afghan is tactical but I think not. It is but an exacerbation of the recent actions in the Swat valley, a mere shifting of energy and resources towards the Afghan flank, part and parcel of their circular thinking and culture.