Quote Originally Posted by Tom Odom View Post
You are right. I won't agree regardless of how many times you proclaim that war is war. Over simplifying is every bit as bad as over complicating.
I concur that over simplifying something is not useful. I submit that usefully simplifying something is mostly necessary.

More to the point, my "proclamation" is aimed at attempting to illicit the views and perspectives of those who can accurately describe, what about the combating of irregular enemies makes the nature of war different?

Warfare does require different approaches. No one would contest that, but it is warfare none the less.

Makes for a snappy read as in the 15 second sound bite to writing; does not reflect reality or COIN.
I agree. The 15 second sound bites that jar with me are "heats and minds" "human terrain" "80% political, 20% military" "complex war-fighting" and "you need a network to fight a network."