Quote Originally Posted by gute View Post
How long are we gonna keep losing guys and spending money on this crap-hole country. At least Iraq has oil and an educated population. I never quite understood the nation building thing. Different people, mindset, etc. They understand force - you kill us then we kill a lot more of you. They plot, you harbor then you get Carthage.
That is a good characterization of what helps to fuel the ideology of our adversaries. It is precisely how many view America: exerting inordinate influence, attempting to nation build, only interested in helping those who are willing to make us richer, and consciously choosing to disregard the welfare and concerns of those who are not.

Our challenge still remains, imo, the message that others are receiving. That message but not be "do as we say" but rather "take some responsibility." We have a difficult time sending that message to many of our own citizens. Ensuring that it is received by those outside of our country won't be quick or easy.