Nice. I've never been a fan of his 4GW theory, but this PowerPoint rebuke is great. Can we get this in slide format?

Finally, what we all instinctively knew to be true has been broken down by the numbers and explained in a methodical, detailed rebuke by someone who once wore rank on his collars that many of us associated with an inability to think rationally or use common sense. I wonder if anyone will listen.

I have long held that we should make bootlegged copies of PowerPoint available to al-Qaeda and give them free computers and projectors to use it, so that their internal processes can be crippled as much as ours have.

However, I also agree with Hammes narrow points about how PowerPoint can also be useful. That is generally the only means that I have ever employed slides for (unless ordered to do otherwise). I've always used slides in the same way that one would use an instructional video or supplemented an oral brief with charts and tables in the same way that one would supplement a research paper with charts and tables. Making the slides the focus of the presentation generally occurs when the speaker has nothing worthwhile to say - unfortunately, slides usually are the focus.