I think you are mistaken with respect to Venezuela in de Sousa's graph.
You said (sorry, I am such a computer klutz that I don't know how to operate the Quote function):
"the historical export data for Venezuela is simply wrong. Venezuelan exports peaked in 96, had a sub-peak in 2000, and declined steeply from 2000-2003. The Oil Drum chart shows a sharp rise in Venezuelan exports from 2000-2003."

I'm pushing 60 and my eyes are not what they used to be, but when I look closely at de Sousa's graph... VZ is in yellow, above brown which is Norway, I see what you say that I should see: the yellow widens around 1996 and then constricts between 2000-2003.
The way the countries are layered is a bit tricky... when the overall curve rises or falls, the temptation is assume that individual countries follow suit, which is not the case.

The brief export life of the UK is reflected in pale blue at the very top, with Norway in brown being very constricted by 2020.
Mexico in white is pinched off around 2012... all of this is consistent with current trends as far as I am aware.

The country that most requires explanation to me is Canada, which is barely visible.
Mind you, when net energy is considered, perhaps that is warranted, but that's another story....

I will transfer the Export Decline info from Armed Forces Journal Forum here in a few minutes, which will broaden the range of evidence/info on this topic.