Quote Originally Posted by Infanteer View Post
....This has led me to the belief that a TO&E's main purpose is twofold - administration and affiliation. Not tactics. The administrative part fills the legal requirements of "who is responsible for this guy" and "who manages his career, etc, etc".
That is largely correct, yet the tactical employment of the platoon is nearly always used to justify it's structure.

1. So, in designing a TO&E for a Platoon, keeping it from 35-45 personnel is prudent.
Really? I think that is a very general statement, and I'm not sure it gets us further down the road, but let's run with it.

2. A TO&E should prescribe the weapons and skillsets that are allocated to the Platoon "Golf Bag" so as to ensure effectiveness in any tactical scenario.
The Golf Bag sounds good, but it's usually a cop out for "we don't really knows what we do." See my article here. The Golf Bag has to have set limits, or else it degenerates into outfitting GI-Joe for the next game.

3. . Therefore, in designing a rifle platoon TO&E, having enough leadership to be able to effect this (2-3 guys per section) is vital - it doesn't matter if they have 5 bayonets or 11.
OK, that makes sense.

4. So, in designing a TO&E, encouraging a "Rule of Four" for a Platoon is good - this means four Sections that can be grown/shrunk as the situation dictates.
DGD&D in the UK commissioned a DERA report to support the "Rule of 4" in doctrine and found there is no Rule of 4. It's an opinion based on opinion. It simply does not exist, and there is no evidence it works.

Therefore the ideal Platoon is 35-45 guys, has about 8-12 NCOs with a "golf bag" of weapons and skillsets and can apply a "Rule of Four". Anything beyond that doesn't really affect the effectiveness of such an organization.
Ideal Platoon? You've got some huge margins in there, for something "ideal."
I'd say 24-30, with 6-8 Officers/NCOs and a very basic weapons set.
I think the "ideal" will remain elusive, and alter given context.

However, I largely agree with your approach, especially focussing on the platoon and "some assembly required". There is some good indications that this does work, but it does require some pretty deep education at all levels to get people to be able to apply it in a large number of very different conditions.