You're closer to this than I, as a retired senior NCO. But I think the real goal here is to improve the training of non combat-arms officers--when you have Finance and QM officers leading patrols, it would seem like a good idea--and "they" have made the decision that adding a bit to the combat arms officers' training is worth it. "They" may also be assuming that most of the Combat Arms officers are either ROTC graduates who belonged to their home schools' elite unit ("Rangers", "raiders", etc.) or USMA graduates, who already have a "solid basis in small unit tactics", and are thus able to assist in training their comrades in arms.

There must be a "common core" curriculum in addition to small unit tactics that is taught at all OBCs--I know there was at all the NCOES schools--and BOLC II wold be an appropriate venue for this, as well.

I guess the question is, how much longer is BOLC III for an infantryman? Should Infantry BOLC III be Ranger School/Jump School/Air Assault School? I know I certainly don't have the answers, and I haven't been able to fill in the blanks, reading Military.com... And all my peers who stayed in when I retired are now SMGs or CSMs (so much for "this has become a deadend MOS"...), and I lost contact.