Hi, Rborum

Yes, the CNA study (May 09, 60 pgs) is very worthwhile reading.
I did not mention it in the EROEI posting because the CNA study (like so many other studies of energy security) overlooked the issue.
In fact, there is quite a bit that CNA overlooked, and since I have seen no other reviews which point out these omissions, I have undertaken such a review myself.

I hope to have the review posted on Energy Bulletin early next month.
Two other military-related papers have also been submitted to EB which should be posted next week.
The links will be posted here once they are available.

As for peak oil and fuel emergencies not being your area of expertise, we are all learners and things are constantly evolving.
I think the PO concept has been rather misunderstood (and therefore inaccurately portrayed).
As for fuel emergencies, I think that the general public (and even many emergency planners) see this thorny issue as a very remote possibility, not on anyone's priority list in the near term.
I also believe that we now view as remote, even far-fetched, could in fact catch us by surprise, unprepared.

Thanks for your interest on this issue.