Quote Originally Posted by jcustis View Post
This is another interesting statement. I understand where you are trying to go with this, but "presence patrolling" is not a tactical task...
It's also indicative of a potential danger -- organizing a multi purpose force while focusing on one type of warfare rather than on generic war.One has to organize for MCO because that's the hard nut; then one has to adapt -- but not permanently or in mindset -- for other missions.
The tripod of maneuver elements exists because time and studies have proven that the number three is at the upper limit of what a leader can exercise command and control over.
That's true but it also -- possibly even more likely -- exists because Frederick the Great organized the Prussian Army that way to force his commanders to use unbalanced and therefor less predictable tactical moves. There are studies IIRC, that posit six to eight as the ideal span of control and ten as the upper limit but that's not in combat. I agree that it could and probably be looked at but not changed without some experimentation.
And snipers organzied at the company-level. Ugh...No way jose, methinks. We have a hard enough time effectively employing them at the battalion level as it is.
Hmm. Without getting into TTP, I fully understand the peacetime problems (though I don't think they're significant) but you say "employment." I guess I can't understand why the Battalion is doing that or what the problem happens to be. Back in the Pleistocene, we had snipers in Rifle companies in 1 MarDiv in Korea with no problems so unless it's a control or turf issue, I'm not sure I understand the concern...