Below are my defense related subscriptions in Google Reader. I don't have time to read all the blogs out there, so I have tried to concentrate on ones that a) Break new thoughts (SWJ), b) give me thought provoking insights (Abu M, Walt, Ricks, Packer), c) keep me up to date in the defense community (Danger Room, Attackerman, Defense Tech) or d) provide news I can't find elsewhere (Free Range International, Long War Journal). The list below provides about 100 posts a day, and usually link to my non subscribed 2d tier blogs when they have good posts.

Abu Muqawama
Everyone knows Abu M. 'Nuff Said.

I guestblogged for Spencer, opinionated yet often relevant insights into defense politics

Free Range International
Pithy yet excellent Afghanistan insight you won't find elsewhere

Information Dissemination
Navy blog I like a lot, good thoughts

Interesting Times (George Packer)
Interesting, but sparse postings

Stephen M. Walt
Love him or hate him, he always gets me thinking

Danger Room
Noah does an awesome job keeping up with DoD for WIRED

Defense Tech
Same as above

USA and USMC Counterinsurgency Center Blog
Hey, it's my old blog!

The Long War Journal
News I can't find elsewhere on GWOT

The Best Defense (Tom Ricks)
Tom drives a lot of discussion and makes interesting points

And of course: SWJ Blog!

For my non-mil reading I keep up with Lifehacker, Consumerist, The Daily Dish, Ars Technica, and the always hilarious FAIL Blog.

So, which high payoff blogs am I missing?