Labels often confuse the problem set....For the US military, we've grown accustomed to labeling anyone that does not support the host nation as an insurgent...That is much too simple.

With that said, I've never stepped foot in Afghanistan, but I would suggest that it is as complex or more complex than Iraq circa 2006-2007.

Working through this particular problem set, one must distinguish between reconciliables and irreconcilables...Regardless of faction, sect, tribe or religion. If a village is not adherent or coercable towards the Karzai gov't, then encourage them to vote in the upcoming the elections.

We may not like or accept the outcome of those elections, but our current policy is to support them.

Saiffullah is correct in his assessment that an insurgent is not necessarily an insurgent, and that distinction is something that we've struggled with since 9/11.

I suppose the summer and fall will be a bloody one for the coalition forces, but hopefully, our presence will allow for an acceptable peace.

That is our current mission. As an old boss used to tell me, it must be done.

