IEA chief economist Fatih Birol continues to sound the alarm on oil supply, most recently in an interview published this morning in The Independent (UK).

Mr. Birol’s key points include [these are quotes from the article]:
- the public and many governments appear to be oblivious to the fact that the oil on which modern civilization depends is running out far faster than previously predicted [emphasis added].
- Global production is likely to peak in about 10 years – at least a decade earlier than most governments had estimated.
- We will have the risk that the [economic] recovery will be strangled with higher oil prices.
- The UK Government, along with many other governments, has believed that peak oil will not occur until well into the 21st Century, at least not until after 2030. The IEA believes peak oil will come perhaps by 2020. But it also believes that we are heading for an even earlier “oil crunch” because demand after 2010 is likely to exceed dwindling supplies.

Mr. Birol also mentioned the fact that oil is essential for our global food system and that it “is a strategic asset for the military.”

This morning’s Independent article is here:

It also contains the link to a related article by Jeremy Leggett who asks, "Why haven't more people in government, and the oil industry itself, seen this particular crisis coming? Why aren't they acting proactively to soften the blow?"