On a different note I have recently downloaded a number of works which I shall soon be tackling with gusto. I got them free from www.archive.org.

J. H. Breasted, The Battle of Kadesh

C. E. Callwell, Military Operations and Maritime Preponderance

Moltke, Moltke’s Military Correspondence, 1870-71

C. von der Goltz, The Nation in Arms

F. A. Bayerlin, Jena or Sedan? (think Tolstoy’s War and Peace)

U.S . War Department, A Survey of German Tactics, 1918

Prince Kraft zu Hohenlohe Ingelfingen, Letters on Infantry (1889)

F. N. Maude, Military Letters and Essays

A.J. Tonybee, The Murderous Tyranny of the Turks
A.J. Tonybee, Turkey and the Western Question