Quote Originally Posted by Surferbeetle View Post
...You pose some sharp questions Ken which are interesting to think about. Having spent over a decade in Europe, and being a firm believer in the positive effects of the... I will say up front that IMHO this scenario is very, very unlikely at this point in history.
Somehow, you frequently miss my conditional statements...

"... Both with the caveat that time will cure some of that as the world modifies and anger fades, thus the desire and [strike]thus[/strike] the capability will diminish over time but either would take advantage of any opportunity or weakness to achieve (payback) to offset their known population decline which will adversely affect their ability for (the) payback which a good many in both nations think is deserved." (emphasis, strikeout and 'payback' and 'the' added / kw)

Note also the time periods I stated; Germany is more likely to drop the idea of getting even before Japan. Ergo, given no major stumbles on our part, you may be right. You could be right with major stumbles on our part...

We'll see.

Sorry for all the errors -- old fingers...